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Hi, I'm Amine! Welcome to my personal homepage!

Aspiring researcher and traveler. I thrive on solving hard problems by developing novel ideas and innovative methods that improve state of the art.

About Me


I am a final year Electrical Engineering and Information Technology student at TU Munich. Currently, I am working on Deep Generative Models for Natural Language Processing (NLP) using Variational Autoencoders (VAE) at ETH Zurich. I am passionate about Bayesian methods in statistical Machine Learning and Deep Learning. Moreover, I enjoy digging into and working on research projects outside of my expertise, to extract insights from data and to learn new things every day. Besides research, I am an avid traveler who captures beautiful moments with his camera. I have lived, studied and researched in Germany, France, United Arab Emirates (UAE), the United States of America (USA), Canada, Switzerland and the United Kingdom (UK). My parents are from Poland and Morocco. I was born and grew up in Germany. Therfore, I truely see myself as a cosmopolitan who over the years has learned to appreciate and be grateful for all the variety and wisdom other cultures and societies have to offer.

Research Interests

My research interests are in statistical Machine Learning and Deep Learning especially in Bayesian inference and generative models such as Bayesian network, Variational Autoencoder (VAE) and Hidden Markov Model (HMM) with applications in healthcare, medicine, social science and environment. I want to understand the data processes, its underlying distribution and properties by developing interpretable and robust statistical models.


Traveling is a major part of my life which motivates me to continue learning, exploring and breaking things. It has broadened my mind and changed my view of people and science. Even though I already learned a lot, I feel like traveling is a never ending lesson. I consider myself as a child of the world and want to inspire others to feel the same! Below are some impressions and moments I captured on my recent travels over the last years.

Black Forest

Black Forest

Closeup Portrait

Closeup Portrait

Okinawa Sunset

Okinawa Sunset

Random Rooftop Zurich

Random Rooftop Zurich

Lake Lucerne

Lake Lucerne

Polyterrasse ETH ZurichLake Lugano

Polyterrasse ETH Zurich

San Salvatore Lugano

San Salvatore Lugano

Lake Como

Lake Como

Rhinefalls Schaffhausen

Rhinefalls Schaffhausen

Lake Lugano

Lake Lugano

Lake Mantua

Lake Mantua

Black Forest

Black Forest


If you have any questions about me, feedback regarding my content or you just feel like having an exciting discussion about Data Science, Machine Learning, Photography or your next travel destination; feel free to contact me anytime. I also encourage you to follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook and to check out my GitHub repositories. For all that just click the corresponding icons on the bottom of the left panel.